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Conserving Water Outdoors

Did you know that in the summer, outdoor water use can account for 50 to 80 percent of a household’s water usage? During the drought seasons it’s crucial that homeowners take extra precautions to conserve water and save money on their utilities.

Here are some ways to limit your outdoor water usage this summer:

  • Plant water-efficient, well-adapted, and/or native shrubs, trees, and grasses. Choose plants that are drought and heat tolerant and can survive the minimum winter temperatures in your area.
    • For a list of drought-resistant plants, please visit this blog post: 
  • Avoid overwatering your lawn by only watering when needed
    • Install rain shut-off devices and adjust sprinklers to eliminate coverage on pavement. For plants that need more water, use a hose or watering can to give them additional water.
    • Water lawns early in the morning. Never water on windy days. 
    • Use drip irrigation systems for bedded plants, trees, or shrubs and use low-angle sprinklers for lawns. Cover pools and spas. This can save the equivalent of your pool volume each year!
    • For more information on watering your lawn during the summer, please refer to this handout provided by the Texas Water Development Board: A Watering Guide for Texas Landscapes 

Buy a rain barrel or a cistern and collect the water from your gutters to water your plants.

  • Use a broom to clean patios and sidewalks instead of a hose. 
  • Don’t cut grass more than one-third of its length at one time because taller grass holds moisture better.
  • Don’t scalp lawns when mowing during hot weather. Leave lawn clippings on the lawn instead of bagging.
  • Use lots of mulch around your shrubs and trees. It will retain moisture, reduce run-off, moderate soil temperatures, and help with weed control.

Provided by the Texas Water Development Board.

May 28, 2024 Board Meeting

The HCMUD 217 Board of Directors will be having a Board Meeting.

When: Tuesday, May 28, 2024 at 7:00 P.M.

Where:  HCMUD 217 Administration Building, 12248 T.C. Jester Blvd, Houston, Texas 77067

The Board will conduct an in-person meeting at its physical meeting location. As an accommodation, the Board is making available a telephone and/or video option for members of the public to listen to the meeting and to address the Board.

To Participate by Telephone:
+1 573-539-0055
PIN: ‪‪756 759 187‬#

To Participate by Videoconference:

Meetings are open to the public. Residents are welcome to participate and hear updates about the District.

The Meeting Agenda can be found by clicking the link below.


Está cordialmente invitado a asistir a la Reunión Anual de 2024 de los miembros de la Heritage Village Homeowners Association, Inc. programada para las 6:30 p.m. el lunes 20 de mayo de 2024, en el edificio MUD 217 del condado de Harris en 12248 T C Jester Blvd, Houston, TX 77067.

Tenga en cuenta que el único método de votación en las elecciones de 2024 será mediante voto ausente. No habrá votación en persona en la reunión anual. Para votar, devuelva la boleta de voto en ausencia completa y firmada adjunta como se indica a continuación para que la Asociación la reciba físicamente a más tardar a las 5:00 p. m. el 17 de mayo. No puede ceder su derecho a firmar la boleta de voto ausente a ninguna otra persona. Los candidatos u otras personas no pueden recolectar ni recolectar boletas de voto ausente para devolverlas a la Asociación. Su boleta debe devolverse según las instrucciones a continuación o no será contada.

Envíe un correo electrónico a: Gerente de la comunidad Gabrielle Greer en; o

Correo de EE. UU./entrega a: Heritage Village Homeowners Association, Inc. A la atención de: Gabrielle Greer, 2002 West Grand Parkway North, Suite 100, Katy, TX 77449

El orden del día de la Asamblea Anual será el siguiente:

  1. Llame para Ordenar a las 6:30 p.m. (el registro comienza a las 6:15 p.m.)
  2. Introducciones
  3. Informes financieros/de la junta directiva
  4. Anuncio de los nombres de los tabuladores de votos
  5. Anuncio de resultados electorales [Un (1) puesto por un período de tres (3) años]
  6. Foro de propietarios
  7. Aplazamiento

SOLICITUD DE TABULADORES DE VOTOS: la Asociación necesita dos voluntarios que no se postulen para la Junta ni estén relacionados con nadie que se postule para la Junta para contar los votos. Si desea ofrecerse como voluntario para contar votos, comuníquese con la administradora de la comunidad Gabrielle Greer. Debe poder acudir a la oficina de Inframark en 2002 West Grand Parkway North, Suite 100, Katy, TX 77449 ​​el 20 de mayo de 2024, entre las 10:00 a. m. y las 11:30 a. m. para contar los votos. Si no hay voluntarios, los votos serán contados por empleados de Inframark. Los nombres de los tabuladores de votos se anunciarán en la Asamblea Anual de 2024. Tenga en cuenta que, según la ley estatal, usted está descalificado para desempeñarse como tabulador de votos si está relacionado con un candidato a la elección dentro del tercer grado de consanguinidad o afinidad. Según la Sección 209.00594(b-1) del Código de Propiedad de Texas, una persona que tabula votos no puede revelar a ninguna otra persona cómo votó un individuo.

¿PREGUNTA PARA LA JUNTA EN LA REUNIÓN ANUAL? – Si tiene una pregunta para la Reunión Anual, envíela antes del 17 de mayo de 2024, por correo electrónico a Gabrielle Greer en o por correo/entrega a Inframark, a la atención de: Gabrielle Greer, 2002 West Grand. Parkway North, Suite 100, Katy, TX 77449 ​​para que se reciba antes del 17 de mayo de 2024.

Preguntas sobre la reunión anual: comuníquese con la administradora de la comunidad Gabrielle Greer al (346) 205-4020 o por correo electrónico a

Junta Directiva
Asociación de propietarios de viviendas de Heritage Village, Inc.


You are cordially invited to attend the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Members of the Heritage Village Homeowners Association, Inc. (“Association”) scheduled for 6:30 p.m. on Monday, May 20, 2024, at the Harris County MUD 217 building at 12248 T C Jester Blvd, Houston, TX 77067. 

Please note that the only method of voting in the 2024 election will be by absentee ballot. There will be no in person voting at the annual meeting.  In order to vote,  please return the enclosed completed and signed absentee ballot as instructed below so that it is physically received by the Association on or before 5:00 p.m. on May 17.  You cannot assign your right to sign the absentee ballot to any other person.  Candidates or other persons cannot collect or gather absentee ballots to return to the Association.  Your ballot must be returned as instruction below or it will not be counted.

Email to: Community Manager Gabrielle Greer at ; or
U.S Mail/Deliver to: Heritage Village Homeowners Association, Inc. Attn: Gabrielle Greer, 2002 West Grand Parkway North, Suite 100, Katy, TX 77449

The agenda for the Annual Meeting will be as follow:

  1. Call to Order at 6:30 p.m. (sign in begins at 6:15 pm) 
  2. Introductions
  3. Board/Financial Reports
  4. Announcement of the Names of Vote Tabulators
  5. Announcement of Election Results [One (1) position for a three (3) year term]
  6. Homeowner Forum 
  7. Adjournment

SOLICITATION OF VOTE TABULATORS – The Association needs two volunteers who are not running for the Board or related to anyone running for the Board to count votes.  If you would like to volunteer to count votes, please contact Community Manager Gabrielle Greer.  You must be able to come to the Inframark office at 2002 West Grand Parkway North, Suite 100, Katy, TX 77449 on May 20, 2024, between 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. to count the votes.  If there are no volunteers, the votes will be counted by employees of Inframark.  The names of the vote tabulators will be announced at the 2024 Annual Meeting.  Please be advised that, per state law, you are disqualified from serving as a vote tabulator if you are related to a candidate for election within the third degree of consanguinity or affinity.  Per Texas Property Code Section 209.00594(b-1), a person who tabulates votes may not disclose to any other person how an individual voted.

QUESTION FOR THE BOARD AT THE ANNUAL MEETING? – If you have a question for the Annual Meeting, please submit your question by May 17, 2024, by email to Gabrielle Greer at or by mail/delivery to Inframark, Attn: Gabrielle Greer, 2002 West Grand Parkway North, Suite 100,  Katy, TX 77449 so that it is received by May 17, 2024. 

Questions about the Annual Meeting: Contact Community Manager Gabrielle Greer at (346) 205-4020 or by email at

Thank you,
Board of Directors
Heritage Village Homeowners Association, Inc.

Celebrating Earth Day

Every year on April 22nd, people come together to celebrate Earth Day and remember the importance of environmental conservation and sustainable living.

Earth Day serves as a powerful reminder that we have a shared responsibility to preserve our planet, and even small actions can make a big difference in protecting our planet. Here are some simple yet impactful household conservation tips that you can incorporate into your daily routine:

  1. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle:
    • Carry a reusable water bottle and shopping bags with you to reduce single-use plastic waste.
    • Repurpose glass jars for storing leftovers or organizing small items instead of buying new containers.
    • Recycle cardboard boxes, newspapers, and magazines through your local recycling program.
  2. Conserve Water:
    • Install a low-flow aerator on faucets to reduce water usage without sacrificing water pressure.
    • Fix leaky faucets promptly to prevent water waste.
    • Consider installing a rain barrel to collect rainwater for watering outdoor plants and gardens.
  3. Save Energy:
    • Use power strips to easily turn off multiple electronics when they’re not in use, preventing standby power consumption.
    • Replace old, inefficient appliances with Energy Star-certified models to save on energy bills.
    • Seal drafts around windows and doors with weather stripping or caulking to improve insulation and reduce heating and cooling costs.
  4. Go Paperless:
    • Sign up for electronic statements and bills from your bank, utility companies, and other service providers.
    • Use digital note-taking apps or cloud storage for memos and documents instead of printing them out.
    • Cancel unnecessary magazine subscriptions and read digital versions instead.
  5. Choose Sustainable Products:
    • Look for cleaning products with eco-friendly certifications like the EPA’s Safer Choice label or Green Seal certification.
    • Purchase personal care items like shampoo and soap bars packaged in recyclable or compostable materials.
  6. Practice Mindful Consumption:
    • Repair items when possible instead of replacing them, such as fixing a broken zipper on clothing or mending a torn seam.
    • Borrow or rent items that you only need occasionally, like tools or specialty kitchen appliances.
  7. Get Involved:
    • Volunteer for local clean-up efforts in parks, beaches, or waterways organized by environmental groups or community organizations.
    • Advocate for policies that promote renewable energy, waste reduction, and conservation at the local and national levels by contacting elected officials or joining advocacy campaigns.
    • Educate others about the importance of environmental stewardship and share tips for living more sustainably with friends, family, and neighbors.

This Earth Day, let’s commit to making a difference in our own homes and communities. By adopting these simple conservation tips and embracing a more sustainable lifestyle, we can all play a part in preserving the beauty and diversity of our planet for generations to come.

April 23, 2024 Board Meeting

The HCMUD 217 Board of Directors will be having a Board Meeting.

When: Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 7:00 P.M.

Where:  HCMUD 217 Administration Building, 12248 T.C. Jester Blvd, Houston, Texas 77067

The Board will conduct an in-person meeting at its physical meeting location. As an accommodation, the Board is making available a telephone and/or video option for members of the public to listen to the meeting and to address the Board.

To Participate by Telephone:
+1 218-321-0370
PIN: ‪242 024 755‬‬#

To Participate by Videoconference:

Meetings are open to the public. Residents are welcome to participate and hear updates about the District.

The Meeting Agenda can be found by clicking the link below.

2024 Annual Cleanup Day Recap

Harris County MUD 217 would like to thank the residents of our community and all of those involved in making our Annual Cleanup Event a giant success!

We hope you enjoyed the event as much as we did.
We look forward to seeing you at future community events!

Please click the picture below to view the entire event gallery!