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Fitness Center Upgrades!

The Board of Harris County MUD 217 is happy to announce that our gym has received a new equipment!

The space features modern cable weight resistant machines, free weights, and several cardiovascular machines.

The fitness center also includes several features found in most large scale fitness facilities, such as large mirrors, a water fountain, separate men and women changing rooms, and a television for watching your favorite show while burning the calories away.

The Fitness Center is only available to residents of Heritage Village Subdivision (proof of residency required).

To use the newly renovated fitness center, please schedule an appointment to complete your membership application and pay your $10 membership card application fee.

The General Manager can be reached by calling 832-249-7000.

Please click the picture below to learn more about our fitness center!

Ongoing Trail Maintenance – Heritage Park

Harris County MUD 217 will be performing minor maintenance on the walking trail at Heritage Park tomorrow, July 2nd.
Some sections may be temporarily closed off while this project is underway.
Work is expected to be completed by the end of the day on Wednesday, July 3rd.
The Board of Harris County MUD 217 appreciates your patience during this ongoing maintenance.

4th of July Safety Advice

Happy 4th of July from your MUD Board! As we celebrate our nation’s independence, we want to remind our community to enjoy the festivities responsibly. Here are some tips to keep you and your family safe this independence day:

  • Boating / Swimming Safety:
    • Always wear a life jacket when swimming in a lake or pond, regardless of skill level or comfort. 
    • Always supervise children when they are near or in the water. 
    • Ensure everyone knows how to swim and never swim alone. 
    • Be aware of local water conditions and follow posted safety guidelines.
    • Never drink before or while driving a boat or any other recreational vehicles (golf carts, jet ski, e-scooter, etc.). 
    • Keep a first aid kit nearby the pool or on the boat. 
  • BBQ Safety:
    • Keep grills at least 10 feet away from your house and any flammable materials. 
    • Never leave the grill unattended while in use. 
    • Use long-handled tools to avoid burns 
    • Keep a fire extinguisher or a bucket of water nearby.
  • Fireworks Safety:
    • Never allow young children to handle fireworks
    • Keep a bucket of water or hose nearby to extinguish any potential fires. 
    • Light fireworks one at a time and maintain a safe distance.
    • Soak both spent and unused fireworks in water for a few hours before discarding
    • Instead of sparklers for your children, consider these alternatives:
      • Glow sticks, confetti cannon or poppers, colorful streamers, silly string
    • Look up firework restrictions / burn bans in your area before planning on any fireworks 
    • For a list of common firework violations, check here.
  • Drinking Safety:
    • If you plan to drink alcohol, do so responsibly. 
    • Never operate fireworks or a grill while under the influence of alcohol.
    • Plan ahead: Arrange for a designated driver or use a ride-sharing service if you need to travel and have been drinking. Remember, drinking while driving is not only illegal, but is extremely dangerous for both yourself and others. 

Wishing everyone a happy and safe Independence Day!

Juneteenth Event Recap!

Harris County MUD 217 would like to thank the residents of our community and all of those involved in making our first Juneteenth Event a huge success!

We hope you enjoyed the event as much as we did.
We look forward to seeing you at future community events!

Please click the picture below to view the entire event gallery!

June 25, 2024 Board Meeting

The HCMUD 217 Board of Directors will be having a Board Meeting.

When: Tuesday, June 25, 2024 at 7:00 P.M.

Where:  HCMUD 217 Administration Building, 12248 T.C. Jester Blvd, Houston, Texas 77067

The Board will conduct an in-person meeting at its physical meeting location. As an accommodation, the Board is making available a telephone and/or video option for members of the public to listen to the meeting and to address the Board.

To Participate by Telephone:
+1 573-539-0055
PIN: ‪‪756 759 187‬#

To Participate by Videoconference:

Meetings are open to the public. Residents are welcome to participate and hear updates about the District.

The Meeting Agenda can be found by clicking the link below.

Conserving Water Outdoors

Did you know that in the summer, outdoor water use can account for 50 to 80 percent of a household’s water usage? During the drought seasons it’s crucial that homeowners take extra precautions to conserve water and save money on their utilities.

Here are some ways to limit your outdoor water usage this summer:

  • Plant water-efficient, well-adapted, and/or native shrubs, trees, and grasses. Choose plants that are drought and heat tolerant and can survive the minimum winter temperatures in your area.
    • For a list of drought-resistant plants, please visit this blog post: 
  • Avoid overwatering your lawn by only watering when needed
    • Install rain shut-off devices and adjust sprinklers to eliminate coverage on pavement. For plants that need more water, use a hose or watering can to give them additional water.
    • Water lawns early in the morning. Never water on windy days. 
    • Use drip irrigation systems for bedded plants, trees, or shrubs and use low-angle sprinklers for lawns. Cover pools and spas. This can save the equivalent of your pool volume each year!
    • For more information on watering your lawn during the summer, please refer to this handout provided by the Texas Water Development Board: A Watering Guide for Texas Landscapes 

Buy a rain barrel or a cistern and collect the water from your gutters to water your plants.

  • Use a broom to clean patios and sidewalks instead of a hose. 
  • Don’t cut grass more than one-third of its length at one time because taller grass holds moisture better.
  • Don’t scalp lawns when mowing during hot weather. Leave lawn clippings on the lawn instead of bagging.
  • Use lots of mulch around your shrubs and trees. It will retain moisture, reduce run-off, moderate soil temperatures, and help with weed control.

Provided by the Texas Water Development Board.

May 28, 2024 Board Meeting

The HCMUD 217 Board of Directors will be having a Board Meeting.

When: Tuesday, May 28, 2024 at 7:00 P.M.

Where:  HCMUD 217 Administration Building, 12248 T.C. Jester Blvd, Houston, Texas 77067

The Board will conduct an in-person meeting at its physical meeting location. As an accommodation, the Board is making available a telephone and/or video option for members of the public to listen to the meeting and to address the Board.

To Participate by Telephone:
+1 573-539-0055
PIN: ‪‪756 759 187‬#

To Participate by Videoconference:

Meetings are open to the public. Residents are welcome to participate and hear updates about the District.

The Meeting Agenda can be found by clicking the link below.


Está cordialmente invitado a asistir a la Reunión Anual de 2024 de los miembros de la Heritage Village Homeowners Association, Inc. programada para las 6:30 p.m. el lunes 20 de mayo de 2024, en el edificio MUD 217 del condado de Harris en 12248 T C Jester Blvd, Houston, TX 77067.

Tenga en cuenta que el único método de votación en las elecciones de 2024 será mediante voto ausente. No habrá votación en persona en la reunión anual. Para votar, devuelva la boleta de voto en ausencia completa y firmada adjunta como se indica a continuación para que la Asociación la reciba físicamente a más tardar a las 5:00 p. m. el 17 de mayo. No puede ceder su derecho a firmar la boleta de voto ausente a ninguna otra persona. Los candidatos u otras personas no pueden recolectar ni recolectar boletas de voto ausente para devolverlas a la Asociación. Su boleta debe devolverse según las instrucciones a continuación o no será contada.

Envíe un correo electrónico a: Gerente de la comunidad Gabrielle Greer en; o

Correo de EE. UU./entrega a: Heritage Village Homeowners Association, Inc. A la atención de: Gabrielle Greer, 2002 West Grand Parkway North, Suite 100, Katy, TX 77449

El orden del día de la Asamblea Anual será el siguiente:

  1. Llame para Ordenar a las 6:30 p.m. (el registro comienza a las 6:15 p.m.)
  2. Introducciones
  3. Informes financieros/de la junta directiva
  4. Anuncio de los nombres de los tabuladores de votos
  5. Anuncio de resultados electorales [Un (1) puesto por un período de tres (3) años]
  6. Foro de propietarios
  7. Aplazamiento

SOLICITUD DE TABULADORES DE VOTOS: la Asociación necesita dos voluntarios que no se postulen para la Junta ni estén relacionados con nadie que se postule para la Junta para contar los votos. Si desea ofrecerse como voluntario para contar votos, comuníquese con la administradora de la comunidad Gabrielle Greer. Debe poder acudir a la oficina de Inframark en 2002 West Grand Parkway North, Suite 100, Katy, TX 77449 ​​el 20 de mayo de 2024, entre las 10:00 a. m. y las 11:30 a. m. para contar los votos. Si no hay voluntarios, los votos serán contados por empleados de Inframark. Los nombres de los tabuladores de votos se anunciarán en la Asamblea Anual de 2024. Tenga en cuenta que, según la ley estatal, usted está descalificado para desempeñarse como tabulador de votos si está relacionado con un candidato a la elección dentro del tercer grado de consanguinidad o afinidad. Según la Sección 209.00594(b-1) del Código de Propiedad de Texas, una persona que tabula votos no puede revelar a ninguna otra persona cómo votó un individuo.

¿PREGUNTA PARA LA JUNTA EN LA REUNIÓN ANUAL? – Si tiene una pregunta para la Reunión Anual, envíela antes del 17 de mayo de 2024, por correo electrónico a Gabrielle Greer en o por correo/entrega a Inframark, a la atención de: Gabrielle Greer, 2002 West Grand. Parkway North, Suite 100, Katy, TX 77449 ​​para que se reciba antes del 17 de mayo de 2024.

Preguntas sobre la reunión anual: comuníquese con la administradora de la comunidad Gabrielle Greer al (346) 205-4020 o por correo electrónico a

Junta Directiva
Asociación de propietarios de viviendas de Heritage Village, Inc.