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Hurricane Season is Here!

Are you prepared for hurricane season?

Although hurricane season does not start officially until June 1st, pre-season activity is not uncommon. Experts are predicting a busy season this year. Don’t wait until there is a storm brewing. Take the time and get prepared now.

 1. Make a Plan

Create a written evacuation plan complete with a list of important phone numbers and at least two evacuation routes in case you must leave. make sure you keep your gas tanks FULL in case you get stuck in heavy traffic.

2. Gather Disaster Supplies

Have a disaster kit ready. A good rule of thumb is to have enough non-perishable food, water, medicine, and masks to last each person in your family at least a week. Here again, it is vital to keep your vehicles full of gas, even if you can no longer evacuate. 

3. Review Your Documents

Check your insurance policy and renew your flood insurance. Most flood insurance policies take at least 30 days to become effective. Don’t get caught without the coverage you need!

4. Stay Informed 

NOAA’s National Hurricane Center and Central Pacific Hurricane Center are your official sources for hurricane forecasts and the issuance of hurricane watches and warnings.

Get Prepared. Stay Informed. Stay Safe!

Gentlemen’s Health Brunch!

Harris County MUD 217 is hosting a Gentleman’s Health Brunch!
All males 16 and older are welcome to attend.
This will be an amazing opportunity to tap into your mind, body, and spirit while
enjoying outstanding food and engaging conversations.

  • When: June 4th from 10am – 1pm
  • Where: HCMUD 217 Admin Building, 12248 T C Jester Blvd, Houston, TX 77067

Click Here to RSVP!!

Construction Near Rushwood

Residents please be aware Harris County MUD 5, Rushwood, currently has contractors sandblasting and painting their ground storage tank. Crews are working to complete this repair quickly and thoroughly but loud noise should be expected while sandblasting is underway. We will continue to provide updates as they become available and thank you for your understanding.

Actualización de la construcción de Heritage Park

Desde el cierre de Heritage Park el 30 de agosto de 2021, los equipos de construcción han realizado muchas mejoras en el parque. Se han eliminado las vallas de malla anteriores dentro y alrededor del parque y se han instalado vallas temporales para los propietarios que no tienen una valla de madera. Los equipos de construcción también eliminaron la vegetación y las raíces en las áreas de la zona de construcción. Se han construido nuevas rampas y pasillos elevados y se ha iniciado el vertido de asfalto / hormigón en estas áreas. Una vez que se complete el asfalto / concreto, las cuadrillas comenzarán la producción e instalación de las áreas de pasamanos.

Durante todo el proceso de construcción, las cuadrillas continuarán limpiando y manteniendo las calles cerca del final del callejón sin salida.

Ha habido varios días de lluvia, desde el cierre del parque, lo que ha provocado retrasos. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre este proyecto u otros servicios de MUD, por favor Contáctenos y le responderemos lo antes posible.

Para ver las fotos de la construcción del parque, consulte a continuación.

Continuaremos proporcionando actualizaciones y fotos de este proyecto a medida que continúe el trabajo.

¡Gracias por su paciencia mientras trabajamos para mejorar nuestra comunidad!

HCMUD 217 Fitness Center is Open!

The Board of Directors voted in October to reopen the fitness center and waive the annual $60 membership fee until January 2022.

To use the newly renovated fitness center, please schedule an appointment to complete your membership application and pay your $10 card application fee. The General Manager can be reached by calling 832-249-7000.

The only bad workout is no workout!

¡El gimnasio HCMUD 217 está abierto!

La Junta de Directores votó en octubre para reabrir el gimnasio y renunciar a la tarifa anual de membresía de $ 60 hasta enero de 2022.

Para usar el gimnasio recientemente renovado, programe una cita para completar su solicitud de membresía y pague su tarifa de solicitud de tarjeta de $ 10. Puede comunicarse con el Gerente General llamando al 832-249-7000.

¡El único mal ejercicio es no hacer ejercicio!

Heritage Park Closure

Harris County MUD 217 is excited to announce the Heritage Village Park improvement project. The Board decided to undertake this project to add additional security and protection for park visitors, as well as improving access and enhancing the beauty of our community. This project is expected to begin on August 30, 2021, and will continue through February 2022.

During construction, the park will remain closed. Please do not access the park during this time and observe all posted signs for your safety.

Monthly construction updates will be provided on the District’s website and will also be highlighted in the upcoming Fall 2021 newsletter.

Park improvements will include:

  • Removal of the existing chain link fence around the perimeter of the Park
  • Installation of a precast concrete fence around the perimeter of the Park
  • Removal of some trees that interfere with the fence line
  • Installation of new ramps and walkways to improve access

If you have any questions about this project or other MUD services, please contact us and we will respond to you as soon as we can.

Thank you for your patience as we work to improve our community!

Cierre de Heritage Park

El MUD 217 del condado de Harris se complace en anunciar el proyecto de mejora del Heritage Village Park. La Junta decidió emprender este proyecto para agregar seguridad y protección adicionales para los visitantes del parque, así como para mejorar el acceso y realzar la belleza de nuestra comunidad. Se espera que este proyecto comience el 30 de agosto de 2021 y continuará hasta febrero de 2022.

Durante la construcción, el parque permanecerá cerrado.No acceda al parque durante este tiempo y observe todas las señales publicadas para su seguridad.

Se proporcionarán actualizaciones mensuales de la construcción en el sitio web del Distrito y también se destacarán en el próximo boletín de otoño de 2021.

Las mejoras del parque incluirán:

  • Remoción de la valla de tela metálica existente alrededor del perímetro del Parque
  • Instalación de vallado de hormigón prefabricado en todo el perímetro del Parque
  • Eliminación de algunos árboles que interfieren con la línea de la cerca.
  • Instalación de nuevas rampas y pasarelas para mejorar el acceso

Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre este proyecto u otros servicios de MUD, por favorContáctenos y le responderemos lo antes posible.

¡Gracias por su paciencia mientras trabajamos para mejorar nuestra comunidad!

DO NOT block our neighborhood streets!

HCMUD 217 has recently seen an increase in parked cars on our streets. This prevents WCA’s trucks from passing down the streets to collect trash. In addition, the parked cars may block emergency vehicles such as fire trucks and ambulances from reaching your home in an emergency. Please DO NOT block our neighborhood streets!

If you see cars blocking the road, contact Sgt. Jeff McGowen, at

Trash collection is Monday and Thursday. For more information visit:
Garbage Collection.

Welcome to our New and Improved Website!

HCMUD 217 is pleased to announce the launch of its redesigned website. The site includes new content and features, including:

Photo Gallery – View images from the latest HCMUD 217 events.

Who to Ask – An easy way to figure out who to ask about common questions and concerns within the HCMUD 217 community and beyond.

Your Community – Quick access to information for HCMUD 217 residents, including District Events, Newsletters, Security and more.

Security Corner – Learn more about HCMUD 217’s additional security patrol program.

Smart Meters

Latest News – The new Latest News section displays the most recent news post as well as quick access to previous posts to help HCMUD 217 residents stay informed.

Choose Your Interest – Quick links to frequently viewed pages and important information right on the Home page.

English/Spanish versions – Convert from English to Spanish with one click